Ako je napísane v obrázku, tak to budeme meniť. Nebudem sem dávať stále obrazky po zmenení
každého riadku, riaďte sa podľa 2.obrázka.
Ako je tam: echo Executing Server Config ... tu netreba nič meniť, zostane to nezmenené.
Ďalej je tam lanmode 0 ak chete LAN hru, tak to zmeňte na 1 ak chcete hru po internete, tak tam nechajte 0.
Maxplayers 32 to by ani nebolo treba písať - je to koľko hráčov môže maximálne ísť na server. Tú 32 zmeňte na vami ľubovoľné číslo napr 50. Je to jedno.
Port 7777 môžete zmeniť, ale najlepšie bude, ak necháte tak ako je - 7777.
Hostname Unnamed Server. Toto je názov serveru Taktiež môžete zmeniť ľubovoľne. Napr. Hostname Méďa Béďa server. Takže váš server bude mať meno Méďa Béďa server.
Toto je výber herných módov:
gamemode0 lvdm 1
gamemode1 rivershell 1
gamemode2 area51 1
gamemode4 sftdm 1
Názvy módov nájdete v priečinku so serverom, v zložke Gamemodes. Napr. ak chcete mód freighter, tak napíšete.
gamemode0 freighter 1
gamemode1 rivershell 1
gamemode2 area51 1
gamemode4 sftdm 1
Načo sú tam 4? Po určitej dobe, alebo po nahratí určitého počtu bodov (nastavené v súbore s módom) sa hra prepne na nasledujúci mód v poradí. Ak nechcete aby sa menili, tak urobte toto:
gamemode0 freighter 1
gamemode1 freighter 1
gamemode2 freighter 1
gamemode4 freighter 1
Tým pádom budete do nekonečna hrať mód freighter :-).
rcon_password change. Toto je heslo pre admina serveru. Zmeňte podľa seba. Napríklad rcon_password medabeda. Čiže v hre admin napíšete / rcon login medabeda a budete prihlásený.
Teraz Vám stačí zapnúť samp-server.exe a potom sa-mp.exe a nájsť si Váš server podľa vašej IP adresy a portu, ktorý ste nastavili v nastaveniach (viz. hore)
Dôležité - na server sa iným hráčom nebude dať pripojiť ak nebudete mať Verejnú IP. A samozrejme, samp-server.exe musíte mať neustále zapnutý (ak chcete, aby sa ľudia mohli pripojiť) a teda musíte byť stále pripojený k internetu.
Dúfam, že ste môj návod pochopili a ak nie tak napíšte nasi redakciu.
Prehľad komentárov
Praya?a salahega?u
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Best IVF in Abu Dhabi 2019
(IVFCef, 5. 9. 2019 11:10)
More information: https://bitly.com/newhopeivf
What is IVF?
IVF is a reproductive technology which involves the process of fertilization by retrieving a sperm sample extracting eggs and manually combining the two in the laboratory dish. IVF is usually artificially inseminated and is used to treat infertility in patients with conditions such as damaged or blocked fallopian tubes, male factor infertility, removed fallopian tubes, genetic disorder, ovulation disorder as well as unexplained infertility to mention a few.
IVF treatment involves four steps which are; Ovulation induction, Egg retrieval, fertilization and Embryo transfer and implantation. In few weeks after the insemination, you can take a pregnancy test to confirm the success of the result. Although the average couple may have to undergo the process twice or thrice but once the process succeeds, there is no difference between it and a naturally conceived pregnancy.
Is it Safe To Do IVF Treatment?
However, a lot of people have questioned the safety of the IVF fertility treatment, couples with fertility issues are usually concerned about IVF dangers and risks especially to the mother and the baby. While some risks are minimal, some are increased, in fact there are inherent risks that makes people who are in need of this fertility treatment have a higher risk pregnancy. However, the most widely feared risk of IVF is multiple pregnancies which is a condition where a woman has two or more babies in her uterus, the babies could come from different eggs or the same egg. Fertility doctors usually give advice about the number of embryos to transfer but because of the high cost of IVF people usually believe that multiple embryo transfer increases the chance of getting pregnant, this is thus the result to the high tendency for twins’ birth in IVF treatment.
Women who are pregnant with twins are at a higher risk for pregnancy complications which include premature birth, cesarean section, TTTS (Twin- Twin Transfusion Syndrome), low birth weight and gestational diabetes amongst others. Women are also at risk over reaction to hormone drugs that are used to stimulate the ovaries besides, egg collection may be uncomfortable most likely because it is sometimes performed with, local anesthetics. There is also the risk of bleeding during egg retrieval and damage or infection of the bladder or bowel. Couples also usually fear the risk of ectopic pregnancy which is has a low percentage in IVF treatment. The whole process of artificial insemination can also lead to psychological stress and emotional problems. Generally when the consultants are experts and patients follow the advice of their consultants, IVF is usually safe.
IVF success rate usually declines once patients reach the age of 35 but before that patients usually have a fifty percent chance.
In Dubai, IVF treatment is one of the most sought after service because of many couples’ desire for pregnancy. Around the world, three percent of babies are born through IVF, in Dubai, the reason for infertility rate boils down majorly to stress, late marriage and genetic disorder which is why they have to visit infertility clinics in Dubai. Most successful fertility treatments usually depend on expertise of the consultant.
How Much Does IVF Cost in Dubai?
For couples in Dubai who are open to the option of artificial insemination, the price is usually the deciding factor that dictates what pregnancy treatment and fertility clinic to consult. In Dubai, the cost of IVF in fertility clinics is usually between the range of AED 25,000 – 40,000 including consultation fee.
Here are the list of IVF pregnancy treatment and fertility clinics in Dubai UAE
Dr. Amal Alias Fertility & Gynaecology Center
Saturday-Thursday: 08:00-21:30
Friday: 10:00-19:00
company site: https://ivf-dubai.com/
email: info@ivf-dubai.com
Watch the presentation on YouTube: https://youtu.be/osa5eNOiWmA
(RonnieMah, 5. 9. 2019 9:14)
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Travelb Tips
(RogelioMoome, 16. 9. 2019 1:49)